Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
“share, care, communicate!”

for the ultimate balance between success, productivity and HAPPINESS!
Share, Care, Communicate! Whose RESPONSIBILITY?
96 pages - click to expand in new window
Though written with the workplace in mind, the principles apply in a variety of ways in other contexts - egs, social, family and sporting.

Rick's philosophy is very firmly on the side of “Share, Care, Communicate”, not only because it invariably reaps superior “business productivity”, but because, with most people spending a huge proportion of their lives working, we all have a “human right” to fulfillment from our work!
The preconditions which "enable" Share, Care, Communicate:
The 7 Responsibilities of a Team Leader
1. Create and Communicate SHARED Objectives
2. Ensure Individuals know their VALUE as Contributors
3. Ensure individuals know how OTHERS Contribute
4. Communicate PROGRESS towards Shared Objectives
5. MOTIVATE appropriately - Recognise, Praise, Discipline
6. Consult Individuals and the Team - RESPECT them
7. Achieve a BALANCE between Task, Team and Individual
a “sharing, caring” culture from the TOP down;
all levels of leadership accept their 7 Responsibilities to ensure....
everyone else takes “ownership” and feels PRIDE in their contribution
How to engage, inspire and lead a workplace team - a practical guide to help leaders at any level.
How to make a team WORK. This book is not only for "appointed" leaders. It is for anyone who ever needs to set an example, help, galvanize others.

Bespoke Leadership Training
We aren't planning any of our signature open “Leadership Millionaire” courses in 2023, but are happy to design bespoke courses for clients.
Half or One Day Workshops “Leadership for Share, Care, Communicate"
Researched and personalised for the organisation and the “level" and needs of their delegates who are briefed to bring case studies of current challenges for discussions and resolution. Ideal numbers to facilitate debates and teamwork are 6 to 12; full day versions can include Experiential Leadership Profiling
“Immersive Leadership” (one day)
A mini version of our “Leadership Millionaire” where we simulate the realities of a competitive climate by delegates participating in tasks which are objectively measurable in PROFIT. Ideal numbers 8 to 12 with leaders debriefed using our “7 Responsibilities Checklist” and all reflecting at the end of the day with Experiential Leadership Profiling.
Course Fees

Immersive Leadership £1,250; Leadership for Share, Care, Communicate £1,250 for one day, £750 for half day.
Tailor-made longer courses are £1,250 for first day and £450 for subsequent days, including preparatory time, but excluding any necessary research visits, eg to a venue, or for client consultations, which are charged at £250 a day; these prices exclude vat, venue and equipment costs and agreed Impetus expenses.
Course materials costs are included, eg delegate briefs and aids, questionnaires, etc - AND up to 12 copies of THINK ABOUT IT - and one other BOOK